Monday, June 24, 2013

A New Video Mode

The SOCoCo-80 Project


Back to the Drawing Board


Rethinking the Video Controller


With my work on the DDr functionality and it’s complexities, I decided to take a brain rest and take another look at the video. Although in the past, I had a working prototype of the video controller with many modes working, it wasn’t complete. So, I decided to finish the video driver as a way to relieve some brain pain.


Taking the code in an earlier blog, I created a test project. I actually used the code from the blog because in an effort to clean up my project files, I deleted my video source files. Silly me. I placed the function in this new project and fired her up. And to my shock… No Video (well sort of)!!!


What? This was working fine when I posted it. I spent two days trying to track down the problem. I was convinced it was a timing problem. I was getting video colors but no access to the video RAM. No pictures were showing after I downloaded them. Looking at the specs of the RAM chip, I noticed that the valid data area was about 8 nsec after the address lines were stable. My code was reading immediately. To correct the problem, I split the clock into two phases. i_CLOCK and i_eCLOCK where i_eCLOCK is 90 degrees lagging i_CLOCK. I placed the data fetch function in the i_eCLOCK, fired her up and BINGO… same problem.


Man was this frustrating. What could be wrong. It worked before. I also noticed when it was working. I was passing control signals through an mmu function. This was my attempt at interfacing the video and CPU. My new thought was that somehow the mmu delays were just right to get the RAM to work. This would be a problem because the access was to sensitive to hardware changes.


It was late on Saturday, while watching the Blackhawks win against Boston I was parooszing the test code. HOLY CRAP!!! I see it!! It’s right in front of me! The problem wasn’t in the video code, it was in the quickie test function I wrote. I declared the RAM address bus as an input not an output. Changing this to an output made everything all good again. My code worked fine. However for now, I plan on leaving the 90 degree lag in the timing.



A New Mode


Continuing to finish the video driver I am organizing it for a typical CPU interface. I added a chip select, Read/Write, Data In, Data Out (wishbone) and Register Select lines. These will operate as any digital interface chips signals will. The RegSel lines will connect to the CPU lower address lines to allow the selection of several registers. Data In, Data Out and R/W are self-explanatory and the chip select will act as a strobe. This may change to a clock signal later.


One by one, I wrote and tested each video mode. I started with the graphics modes because they are the easiest to implement. Basically they all work the same way. The code generates a RAM address based on the horizontal and vertical counters in the sync generator. The data from the RAM is then read in at the location of the address. After some discrimination processes, a color value for the Red, Green and Blue is calculated based on the mode. These values are puked to the hardware for display.



640x480x64 colors

320x200x64 colors    These modes are one pixel per byte where the byte is divided:


The 2 bits for each color gives 4 levels of that color (4*4*4=64 total colors). The two “xx” bits are not used and are ignored.


320x240x256 colors

640x480x256 colors  One would think that this would be the easiest to implement but it’s not. Researching this mode I discovered that there a couple of approaches that can be taken. Either calculate the color based on some formula or have a look-up table. I opted for the look-up table. Using a ROM simulator I created a 2 byte per color register. The table was hand written in a text editor and the values were that of the standard Windows 256 color BMP tables from PhotoShop. I used this table to make it easier to transfer pictures from other computers as it seems to be one of the main standards.


320x240x16 colors

640x480x16 colors    This mode will use a “user programmable” palette register group. Just like the CoCo, a 16 register group will be assigned to each nibble in the video memory. The palette register will actr as a look-up table for each of the 16 values in the nibble.

                                                                        Xxxx yyyy


This poses a small problem though, the other modes above has 1 pixel per byte. This mode (and others to follow) will have 2 pixels per byte. I needed to make some changes in the way I was creating the RAM address calculations to facilitate these modes. It complicated the source a bit but it works fine.



640x480x16G             These are two new modes I added from the original specification. This is basically a 16 level grey (or is it gray?). mode. I implemented it just because it wasn’t too far from the 16 color mode and it just took me about a hour to test.



I still have some work to do on the driver. The text modes and the 2 color modes are next. But, with looking at the timing with a larger magnifying lens, I’m thinking that I might be able to go back to doing this entirely in static RAM, CPU and Video. It’s looking like what I thought was a RAM speed problem may have been the way I implemented the MMU. I will put the CPU back in and rewrite the MMU controller once I get the video done.


Oh, one more thing… I had to change the video timing generator slightly because that pesky extra pixel showed it’s ugly face again. I found another counting error that needed some attention. I won’t say it’s fixed (been there – done that) but it seems somewhat better.


I do plan on posting the code later this week. I might wait until I get the text modes working though. I haven’t decided yet.


We keep moving forward…







© 2013 – Franklin Laboratories



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